Nicole Fraser
Nicole is the co-owner of Fit4Mom Greater Northwest Chicago Suburbs. She taught Stroller Strides classes for a year and a half before deciding to buy the business with fellow instructor Kristen Knobloch in July 2016. Nicole lives in South Elgin with her husband and three children. She has a Masters in Education and taught high school English for five years before becoming a stay at home mom after the birth of her first son. Nicole ran in several 5Ks and the Rock and Roll Half Marathon but never liked a traditional gym workout. But after 7 years of avoiding the gym like the plague, Nicole attended the grand opening of Fit4Mom Bartlett and instantly became addicted to the workouts, fun atmosphere and community of moms. She went from dreading workouts to working out every day and loving it. For the first time in her life, she felt excited about exercise and wanted to share Stroller Strides with as many moms as possible. That is how her journey to becoming a Fit4Mom owner began, and she couldn't be more proud to have such a strong village of women and children on the journey with her. Nicole is currently teaching Body Well sessions and looks forward to meeting new moms while helping them reach their fitness goals.