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Postpartum Recovery: Tips for Self-Care After Baby Arrives

Mama, you just had a baby who needs all your care, love and attention. But remember, you can't pour from an empty cup, so be sure you throw some self-love your way. Here are some tips from our friend, The Elgin Doula, on how you can take care of you after baby arrives.

Prepare in Advance

Plan for extra help with meals, housework, and other children. Postpartum doulas are especially great for this! Plan a meal train from friends and family, budget for take-out, or make several freezer meals in advance.

Set Up a Postpartum Basket

Stock a basket near your toilet with any needed supplies. This might include heavy flow pads, sitz bath spray, a peri bottle, hemorrhoid cream, and extra underwear.

Rest More Than You Think You Need

The fourth trimester is a huge adjustment physically and emotionally. This is a special time to rest as much as you can as you heal and learn to care for your new baby.

Give Yourself Grace

It’s very easy to decide you will be a certain type of mom during your pregnancy and then struggle to live up to your own ideals after baby arrives. It's okay! Every mom is different, and every baby is different. Give yourself lots of grace as you transition and learn what your family needs during this time.

Safe Return to Exercise

Return to exercise only after your provider deems it safe and even then begin very gently. Postnatal classes like Stroller Strides and Stroller Barre with FIT4MOM, are designed for the postpartum mom and can be done as early as 6 weeks postpartum. Also, Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy can be helpful as your transition back to increased activity. Your body is still healing and recovering. Be gentle with yourself.

Get Help If Needed

1 in 7 US women struggle with a postpartum mood or anxiety disorder. If you are constantly feeling overwhelmed, sad, anxious, or angry and/or you struggle with intrusive thoughts, please talk to your medical provider ASAP. You are not alone, and you don't have to suffer in silence.

Lexi Zuo is a mother of 4 (soon to be 5!) living in Elgin, Illinois. She enjoys serving families in the Chicagoland area as a Birth Doula and runs her own practice called The Elgin Doula. For more information visit